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Latest Version 1.0.14 (482 MB)

Latest Version 1.0.14 (500 MB)
What's the minimum system requirements for Block42?CPU: 32-bit dual core 2Ghz CPU with SSE2 support RAM: 4GBa GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities and 2GB RAM HDD: At least 1GB for software core, world and other files OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only macOS 10.12+ Internet connectivity is required for auto-update, login and world files syncing, afterwards offline model making and playing are possible.
[Windows] How do I install Block42?Installing Block42 in Windows is very easy, just make sure you're logged in with admin privileges and run the installer. You may be prompted with "unknown publisher" warning, just click "Yes" to continue. A installer wizard will be open opened. You can change the installation path there. Click "Install" and let the installer run. That's it! Now you can open Block42 with the Desktop icon or Taskbar Icon. When Block42 first run, you may be prompted with another "unknown publisher" warning, again simply click "Yes" to continue.
[Mac] How do I install Block42 with the DMG file?Double-click on the DMG file to open, then you'll see a Finder window. Simply drag the Block42 folder to your Applications folder. Now, you can navigate to Application → Block42 to open the application.
[Mac] When I first open Block42, a popup says "Block42 can't be opened"..."By default, your Mac does not open any software made by "unidentified developers". Open 'System Preferences' and go to 'Security & Privacy': Now you can click the temporyary button "Open Anyway" to whitelist Block42 from being blocked from opening.
[Mac] Block42 got stuck in first screen with errors.First, make sure you have a working Internet connection, which is required for auto-update and login. If the issue still exists, Mac system may have false detection that makes Block42 fall into quarantine, which stops Block42 from auto-updating. We can provent Block42 from quarantine by either method: Method 1 - Automatic command In the DMG disk, simply double click "Whitelist Block42.command": Then a Terminal windows will pop up and ask for your password: This will executes the command in Method 2 and it's safe to run. Method 2 - Manual command If you didn't install Block42 in Applications folder, or you prefer to do it mannually: Open Terminal (How) Copy and paste this command: sudo xattr -d -r /Applications/Block42/ Enter your password That's it! Now try open Block42 again and you should able to use the application.
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